Whales, dolphins 🐳 and sonar system

Sachil Hirusha
3 min readJun 18, 2024
Whales, dolphins 🐳 and sonar system

Sonar technology is a must-have technology in naval vessels. The ocean is not an environment that can be easily controlled by humans as it is on land. Because of this, the risks that occur when traveling in the ocean are relatively high. So here, sonar technology was born as the technology needed to face these dangerous situations.⛵

What is this sonar technology? The meaning of the word is sound navigation and ranging. In the literal sense of the word sonar is navigation control/location control. This sonar technology can tell important things like how far away an enemy ship is and how fast it is moving. Study .🤔🤔

Submarines are the strongest threat to vessels engaged in special navigation. Since they travel entirely in water, the threat posed by submarines is very strong. So, sonar technology can calculate very accurately things like whether a submarine is nearby and how deep it is.⛵⛵🤔😮

There are two main categories of sonar systems, active sonar and passive sonar. Before studying both of these, you need to understand the general process of how a sonar system works. A sonar system works based on echoes. The sonar system located in the naval vessels creates an ultra-sonic sound. It means that the frequency is in the range above 20000 hertz. Ultrasonic sounds can travel a very long distance in the water. So this traveling…



Sachil Hirusha

Content creator for http://medium.com and other blogs. Owner of https://fansyma.com. Passionate about creating engaging and informative content.