Black holes and the sun and Hawking radiation 🌞

Sachil Hirusha
5 min readJun 18, 2024
Black holes and the sun and Hawking radiation 🌞

How is a black hole created? Generally, a star a planet, or an object with a very large mass creates a gravitational field. Due to this gravitational force, this star or planet is pulled towards itself or an attraction force is applied towards itself.

This is why we jump on the surface of the earth and fall to the ground. Also, a force opposite to the force caused by this gravity is exerted due to the effects of different types of gases inside the star or planet, as well as the effects of radiation.

Most of the time what happens is that these forces of attraction and repulsion work relatively proportionally. But after millions of years or billions of years, the fuel inside the planet runs out. After that happens, the gas and radiation in the interior of the planet stop working. At that time, the force of repulsion that was against the attraction was abolished. The forces that were proportional for so long are abolished and only the force of gravity remains.

Then a very simple thing happens. This planet or star is attracted towards itself. Then, if this star is not there, the planet starts to get smaller. At this point, it is said that the star started to die. So the interior of this star begins to push toward itself with high pressure and at a certain point it explodes. This explosion is called a supernova…



Sachil Hirusha

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