PinnedLucifer, Pazuzu demons, and Evil spiritsWhat’s the scariest ghost story you’ve seen? What’s the scariest event? You’ve seen many hauntings in horror movies or supernatural TV…Jun 25, 20241Jun 25, 20241
PinnedHydrogen bomb vs Atomic bomb 💣The word bomb was born from the Latin word Bombus, which means something explosive. According to historical records, the first bomb was…Jun 24, 2024Jun 24, 2024
PinnedPlant language and the mycorrhizal networkA person who has traveled in huge wet forests like the Amazon has seen the large and tall trees. These types of trees are the oldest trees…Jun 24, 2024Jun 24, 2024
PinnedTwin paradox, Infinity, and Zeno’s dichotomy paradox🤔No matter how simple Mr. Einstein’s theory of relativity is, no matter how simple it is explained, there are always people who cannot…Jun 21, 2024Jun 21, 2024
PinnedCancer and Chemotherapy 🤔During the First World War, the French soldiers had to face the worst pain they had experienced in their lifetime. They were affected by…Jun 18, 20245Jun 18, 20245
9/11 Attack and FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland, SsIf you are a Hollywood movie lover or a TV series lover, you must be aware of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Police, and Secret…Jun 29, 2024Jun 29, 2024
Spider-Man, kinetic energy, and Newton’s lawsSpider-man is a special person among superheroes. spider web or spider web is his weapon. Even though it is called a weapon, Spider-man…Jun 19, 20242Jun 19, 20242
Whales, dolphins 🐳 and sonar systemSonar technology is a must-have technology in naval vessels. The ocean is not an environment that can be easily controlled by humans as it…Jun 18, 20242Jun 18, 20242
The maximum height a bird can go 🐦What do we know about birds? And what do we not know about birds? We are bringing an answer to both of those questions today. 🐦 🐦Jun 18, 20242Jun 18, 20242
Black holes and the sun and Hawking radiation 🌞How is a black hole created? Generally, a star a planet, or an object with a very large mass creates a gravitational field. Due to this…Jun 18, 2024Jun 18, 2024